“‘Day of Dignity’ in Miami will provide food, basic needs to the pandemic-burdened “

Monday October 19, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a post posted online on in   2020: 

” ‘Pandemic fatigue’ or “coronavirus burnout” may be a common feeling these days. It’s understandable, given the massive adjustments most people were forced to make in how they work, learn, socialize, worship and travel. However, we must remember that many people are still suffering, not just in terms of health, but economically, too.

For example:

 The number of unemployment claims each week remains stubbornly high, just above 800,000 each week in recent reports.

– Food insecurity rates have gone up in many demographics, but especially among Black and brown households;

– Some 12 million people have lost their health insurance because of pandemic-related job losses;

Greater Miami has had its share of cases. To help alleviate these burdens, Islamic Relief USA, a nonprofit humanitarian and advocacy organization, and the Clara Mohammed School of Miami will host Miami Day of Dignity, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 14, at 5245 NW Seventh Ave.

The event will be a one-stop shop to help people who are homeless or struggling to make ends meet gain access to basic necessities and services. People, regardless of their faith, gender or race can pick up nonperishable food, hygiene kits, school supplies, backpacks and sanitary napkins, among other things.

Day of Dignity isn’t intended to be a magic elixir that will solve long-standing problems. At the very least, though, it is a much-needed salve, which is beneficial when one considers the government’s current intransigence.

This month, a Census Bureau survey found that more than 22 million people experienced occasional, if not frequent, food insecurity. This, despite 6 million more people nationwide being enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps… ”

In Miami-Dade County, Feeding America reports, more than 17 percent of the population could be considered food insecure by year’s end if things don’t change significantly. Joblessness and economic woes stemming from the coronavirus pandemic are major factors.

Miami-Dade is one of three South Florida counties where the number of people using food banks skyrocketed this summer, from slightly more than 700,000 to 1.3 million, according to NBC News. It was described as the epicenter of the COVID-19 public-health crisis.

The community also is home to the 33034 Zip code, which has a staggeringly high poverty rate, as much as 40 percent. COVID-19 has exacerbated suffering there.

Day of Dignity can help fill some of the need. But like its name says, it’s only for a day. The question we all must ask is, how can we prevent inequality and inequity in the long term?

The answer, unfortunately, is anything but straightforward. But we have to continue trying.”


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