End water poverty – Give water, give life

END WATER POVERTY – Give water, give life

Access to clean water is a very basic human right, yet the lack of it is killing one child every 90 seconds. 748 million¹ people don’t have proper access to clean drinking water, that’s 1 in 10 people¹. Together, we can put an end to water poverty.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“The best charity is giving water to drink.” [Ahmad]



Amsali and her little sister are unable to go to school because they have to collect water for their family. They walk for miles across the harsh desert, where they are extremely vulnerable to abuse from strangers.

If they do return safely from their journey, the water they have collected is likely to be infected with deadly diseases such as typhoid and cholera.


But Amsali isn’t alone. There are nearly 1 billion people who don’t have access to clean water.

Help us protect children like Amsali.
Help us end water poverty.
Donate Now

Last year our water and sanitation projects benefited over 670,000 people in 17 countries! We believe in providing water for life through a carefully tailored approach that suits the individual circumstances of each community.

We are making a difference, but we need your continued support to end water poverty. Whether you help with your time, your voice or your donations, it all counts.

£85 could provide clean water to a family from a rainwater harvesting system
£375 could provide water to a family for 25 years through a purpose-built pipeline
£1,250 could help 15 households with long-term access to clean water



¹ UNDP Water Governance Facility/UNICEF (2015) “WASH and Accountability: Explaining the Concept” Accountability for Sustainability Partnership: UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI and UNICEF. Stockholm and New York. Available from http://www.watergovernance.org/


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