“What A Relief” Podcast 24: Spirituality and Service in Islam

“What A Relief” Podcast 24: Spirituality and Service in IslamB.C. Dodge & R. Mordant Mahon  talk to Sheikh Hassan Lachheb at Islamic Relief USA’s Grand Iftar in this episode of “What a Relief!” — IRUSA’s official podcast.

Sheikh Hassan Lachheb, the resident scholar of the Muslim Community of Knoxville and the spearheading faculty member of the Tayseer Seminary, joined B.C. & Mordant before he took the stage at the Grand Iftar. He approached the mic with conflicting feelings of happiness and sadness — happy to be at such a warm gathering, but mourning the loss of many innocent lives in the wake of the Orlando shooting.

“It’s a heart-wrenching feeling,” he says of the attack. The worst part, he says, is that the media is associating it with the religion of Islam. Sheikh Lachheb spends the podcast explaining the essential link between Islam and serving others, not harming them.

“Our commitment to God is incomplete without the social component,” he says. “You look at the theology of Islam, and it’s never been separated from social services. Monotheism has always been tied to serving the vulnerable.”

He shares his experiences working with vulnerable populations, such as those incarcerated or recently released from prison. He is even establishing a halfway house to help them start over. At his seminary in Knoxville, spiritual upbringing is always tied to social services.

“It doesn’t serve God much that you sit there worshipping Him, how is that benefitting others?” he says. “Loving our Prophet (pbuh) cannot manifest itself except in the service of others.”

Tune in to this episode to learn about the example the prophet (pbuh) set when it came to service.

“He was somebody who gave himself fully to his community. Especially those who were downtrodden. Especially those who were vulnerable,” Sheikh Hassan says.

Learn about the very first words the Prophet said when he arrived to Madinah, and how those words forever tied spirituality to peace.

Discover how to make spirituality tangible, and how to avoid the spiritual demise that often accompanies suburbanite culture.

**And now you can reach out to us at our new email address: [email protected]!**

“What a Relief!” is the official podcast of Islamic Relief USA. Co-hosted by social media specialist B.C. DodgeMordant Mahon, IRUSA’s “What a Relief!” puts a human face on what’s going on in the world and how you can enact positive change in it. New episodes every week!


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