Islamic Relief USA Joins Efforts to Provide Nearly 7,000 Meals to Mich. Families in Need

Initiative aims to ease increased suffering brought on by recession

(Washington, D.C., 6/15/10) – Islamic Relief USA (IR USA), a US-based non-profit relief and development organization, in coordination with Neighborly Needs, Inc. and Kids Against Hunger, will be packaging thousands of meals for metro-Detroit families in need on Saturday, June 19th.

The meal packages, formulated by food scientists at Kids Against Hunger, provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins needed by a malnourished child’s body and mind.

IR USA and Neighborly Needs will package 1,667 nutritional packets which when prepared — by adding water — produces 10,000 meals. Two thirds of the meals will be distributed to Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southwestern Michigan, the Muslim Center soup kitchen and the Muslim Family Services food pantry. The remaining one third will be returned to Kids Against Hunger for its worldwide outreach.

“Our faith teaches us that with every hardship, there comes ease,” said Saleem Khalid, IR USA’s domestic programs manager and a native of Michigan. “With the recession causing such widespread hardship, there is ample of opportunity for us to act on our faith, serve our community and help bring relief. With Michigan being hit the hardest, it only makes sense to focus our efforts here.”

WHAT: Community Food Packaging and Distribution

WHEN: Saturday, June 19, 2010 – Start time: 9:30 am

WHERE: The Muslim Center, 1605 W. Davison, Detroit, MI 48238

NOTE: Volunteers are needed to help set up the work stations and supplies. Please contact Nazia Hossain, IR USA volunteer coordinator, at 703-370-7202 or [email protected].

For more information, contact: Eric Sabree of Neighborly Needs at 313- 468-0459 or Rafiq Mahdi of Neighborly Needs at 313- 492-1896, and Saleem Khalid of Islamic Relief USA at 313-610-7148.

Inspired by Islam’s values on charitable giving and community development, IR USA is a relief organization dedicated to alleviating poverty through disaster relief and development projects in the U.S. and globally for communities regardless of color, race, religion, or creed.

Islamic Relief’s response efforts to Hurricane Katrina assisted over 60,000 people in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Its domestic programs include Day of Dignity,” an annual campaign to provide thousands of homeless and underserved people in cities across America with food, clothing, blankets, medical care, first aid, and other social needs.

Islamic Relief also provides grants to other non-profit organizations throughout the country that address issues relating to family, healthcare, and social services.

For the sixth consecutive year, Islamic Relief USA has been awarded four stars by Charity Navigator, the largest charity evaluator in the country. This prestigious award puts Islamic Relief among the top 2.25 percent of charities in the nation. To learn more, visit,
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MEDIA CONTACT: Rabiah Ahmed at 202-439-1441 or [email protected]

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