Islamic Relief USA Approves Emergency Response Project for Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem

Alexandria, Va.  – Islamic Relief USA, a nonprofit humanitarian and advocacy organization, has approved $149,800 to provide medical supplies to Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem.

These funds will assist the hospital in procuring sufficient equipment to treat injured Palestinian residents in the area. The equipment will help in treating the wounded, preventing infections, and monitoring patients’ health.

Antiseptics, personal protective equipment, surgical gloves, bandages, wound dressings, sterile water, intravenous fluids, and IV medical supplies are among the items that are sought.

The aid package will directly benefit 3,000 people and 12,600 people indirectly. The aid is crucial, given that recent news reports have reported that medical facilities have been overburdened with cases, stemming from recent bombardments in the Sheik Jarrah neighborhood where dozens of Palestinian refugee families were evicted from their homes.

Many of the people who were injured in the recent conflicts were children under the age of 15. Some were struck in their eyes by rubber bullets, which necessitates the need for specialists to perform surgeries.





Syed M. Hassan
[email protected] or
(703) 370-7246; (571) 421-7032 (CELL)




Islamic Relief USA, based in Alexandria, Va., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian organization. Its mission is to provide relief and development in a dignified manner regardless of gender, race, or religion, and works to empower individuals in their communities and give them a voice in the world. Its programs benefit millions of people each year in more than 40 countries around the world, including in the United States.

Islamic Relief USA meets all of the Standards for Charity Accountability of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, a national charity monitoring group affiliated with the Better Business Bureau system. Islamic Relief USA is on the U.S. government’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charity list, and it is also a signatory to the code of conduct of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

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