Lessons from the life of Lady Hajar (AS)

The story of Lady Hajar (as) embodies many of the values we hold onto as Muslims, but one of the greatest embodiment is that of sacrifice.

Learn Hajar’s story with Dr. Zara Khan

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

What do you sacrifice for the sake of Allah (SWT)? The story of Hajar (AS) reflects the power of faith and is the basis of the #iSacrifice campaign. So for the first 10 days of Dhu al-Hijjah we will be “sacrificing” something that affects our daily lives to follow in the footsteps of Hajar (AS). Whether we choose to give up meat, coffee, or chocolate cake…we remember the lessons of Hajar’s (AS) story and put our minds towards Allah (SWT). So what will you sacrifice?

To participate:
1) Record yourself or post a picture sharing what you are planning to sacrifice and why?
2) Tag @islamicreliefusa on Instagram and use the hashtag #iSacrifice to bring attention to a worthy cause!
3) Share the how to participate slide on with your Instagram friends!

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Toolkit can be found in Google Folder here

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