(May 4, 2012, Washington, D.C) IRUSA’s CEO has been reappointed to USAID’s Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid (ACVFA) of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for a second two-year term.
ACVFA was established by President Truman in 1946 as a way to link the US Government with private voluntary organizations active in relief and development overseas. Throughout its existence, ACVFA has worked to strengthen the role of the voluntary sector in US humanitarian and development cooperation efforts.
While the advisory board’s focus and responsibilities have evolved over the years, its basic mandate remains one of providing substantive advice, analysis and recommendations to the USAID Administrator on key development issues and challenges. “I intend to work closely with the Committee in the upcoming year to advance President Obama’s and Secretary Clinton’s shared vision of transforming USAID into the world’s premier development agency,” wrote USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah in a letter to IRUSA CEO.
Mr. Ayoub served on the board over the last two years, paving the way for IRUSA to provide the Islamic perspective on global aid and development to the US government.
“I’m honored to represent the Muslim American community in this important position. We will not only continue to speak to the needs of those we serve around the world, but to also demonstrate that the Muslim community is playing a significant role in helping to alleviate poverty.”
Islamic Relief USA, based in Alexandria, Va., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian organization with eight consecutive 4-star ratings from Charity Navigator. Its mission is to alleviate suffering, hunger, illiteracy and disease regardless of color, race, gender or creed, and to provide aid in a compassionate and dignified manner. Islamic Relief USA aims to provide rapid relief in the event of human and natural disasters and to establish sustainable local development projects, allowing communities to better help themselves. In 2010, Islamic Relief USA programs benefited more than 3.4 million people in 34 countries, including the United States.
In addition to its 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, Islamic Relief USA meets all of the Standards for Charity Accountability of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, a national charity monitoring group affiliated with the Better Business Bureau system. Islamic Relief USA is on the U.S. government’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charity list, and it is also a signatory to the code of conduct of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Hebah Reed
Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs
(703) 370-7202
[email protected]