Thousands of people across northern Afghanistan have been devastated by deadly floods that swept through the region on May 12. Roads and agricultural land have also been destroyed by the floods, which struck after days of torrential rain. Afghanistan is currently in the midst of one of the world’s biggest food crises and thousands of people in the affected areas are already suffering from severe hunger. Islamic Relief fears that families who have lost land, assets and homes will be pushed further towards starvation.
Local Islamic Relief teams deployed on May 14 to provide support to flood-affected people of Baghlan. Additionally, the teams are gathering information on the extent of the damage, the needs of the affected population, and are coordinating with other responders and groups. Islamic Relief is currently distributing Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) to the most vulnerable flood-affected people. More information is forth coming; please stay tuned to this page as we post updates, and please donate to help get aid to those affected.
Together, with our regional offices in Kabul, Balkh, Herat, and Nangarhar, we are working to help provide those in need with the following:
We are also teaming up with our partner network to help our new Afghan neighbors transition into their new homes through the following:
Click below to take action today, whether it’s through advocating for the Afghan Adjustment Act or sponsoring a newly arrived Afghan family. Stay tuned to this page for more information as it becomes available to us.
Islamic Relief has served the Afghan community for more than 20 years, and continues to provide humanitarian and development assistance today. Through our regional offices and partner network across the US, we are able to quickly and accurately assess the needs on the ground and provide immediate relief. We work hard to ensure your donor dollar goes as far as possible.
In addition to our most recent efforts, a few of our ongoing projects include: