Arab Conference at Harvard 2021

2021 Arab Conference at Harvard
March 25 - 28, 2021

Change by Design: Young Leaders Building the Future

The Arab world today is full of young, dynamic people ready and motivated to change their communities, their countries, and the world for the better! From the western tip of North Africa to the eastern lands of the Gulf, almost one-third of the Arab region’s population are youth.

There is tremendous opportunity, but significant challenges: so many Arab and Arab-American youth are burdened by the reality and narrative of a heavy past and an uncertain future. So, what will become of the Arab world as we move forward into the next decade? What role will Arab and Arab-American youth have to play in designing positive change?

That will be the focus of this extraordinary conference.

You and IRUSA: We Are One

And as you prepare to make waves of change of good across the world, start with one kind act: providing compassion and aid to a family in need.

You can do this by working together with Islamic Relief USA. This Ramadan, our staff will be delivering food boxes to vulnerable families throughout the Middle East and across the world. For only $100, you can help a family of 5-7 have food for 30 days!!! A food box won’t solve all of the problems our sisters and brothers in the Middle East face, but it will show your compassion. It will show them that you want to make things better for them and for us all. After all, we are one.

Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, and Yemen

To learn where else we are delivering food boxes this Ramadan,

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