“Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months.”
(Quran 93:7)
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The Sunna has many traditions about wills. The collections of Hadith, including Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri, report that the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said:
“It is not permissible for any Muslim who has something to will to stay for two nights without having his Last Will and Testament written and kept ready with him.”
In the Qur’an, Allah directed Muslims to make a will
“It has been ordained upon you, when death is near one of you, leaving wealth behind, to make a will in favor of parents and close relatives, impartially. This is incumbent upon the pious” (2:180).
God also explained that you must deduct any bequests and debts from your gross estate before distribution to Islamic heirs (Qur’an 4:11). Allah also says:
“When death draws near one of you… it is time to make a bequest” (5:106).
If you want your estate to be divided according to Sharī‘a inheritance rules, create your LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT with Islamic Relief powered by ShariaWiz to prepare your own customized, Sharī‘a-compliant estate plan and donate up to 1/3 of your estate to Islamic Relief as sadaqah jariyah.
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Your Will
A Last Will and Testament is a legal declaration that you, the testator, make. It tells the world who will get your assets and who will manage your estate and implement your wishes when you die.
If you want your estate to be distributed according to your faith, you must make a Sharīʿa-compliant will. Without a Sharīʿa-compliant will, your estate will be divided according to non-Islamic state intestacy laws. For example, in many states, your parents would not inherit if you have a child.
Use our scholar-certified Islamic Inheritance Calculator to learn about the Islamic Sharīʿa rules of inheritance and discover your Islamic heirs and their shares.
The Islamic law of inheritance is a religiously mandated fixed-heirship system. That means that upon death, a Muslim’s estate is distributed to his or her Islamic heirs according to the Qur’an: “an apportionment from Allah.”
فَتَعَٰلَى ٱللَّهُ ٱلْمَلِكُ ٱلْحَقُّ وَلَا تَعْجَلْ بِٱلْقُرْءَانِ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يُقْضَىٰٓ إِلَيْكَ وَحْيُه وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا
And do not hasten along with the Qur’an before its revelation to you is ended, and say
‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge.’ —Quran 20:114
A Last Will and Testament is a legal declaration that you, the testator, make. It tells the world who will get your assets and who will manage your estate and implement your wishes when you die.
When you die without a Will – called dying “intestate” — the state decides who gets your assets with no regard to your wishes and the needs of your heirs.
If you do not want state law to decide who gets your estate, use our LAST WILL & TESTAMENT (HYPERLINK) software to prepare your own custom-tailored Shari’a-compliant estate plan valid for your state.
You need a Will so that:
If you do not want state law to decide who gets your estate, use our LAST WILL & TESTAMENT (HYPERLINK) software to prepare your own custom-tailored state-specific, legally binding, Shari’a-compliant estate plan.
An Islamic will covers everything that a secular will covers, including:
However, unlike a secular will, an Islamic will also includes Shari’a-complaint solutions to managing your estate after death, including:
If you want your estate to be divided according to Shari’a inheritance rules, use our LAST WILL & TESTAMENT (HYPERLINK) software to prepare your own custom-tailored state-specific, legally binding, Shari’a-compliant estate plan.
Upon purchase, you will be able to download detailed instructions on how to sign, witness, notarize, and store your documents.
Shariawiz has a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your completed Shariawiz documents, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
Yes. After you complete your document, you will be able to review the entire document to make sure everything is correct, according to your wishes, and make any edits prior to purchasing.
Yes. When you purchase a Shariawiz document, you are purchasing a document that has been built by an experienced legal and Sharī‘a expert team. Every document you purchase is based on the laws of your state and custom tailored by you. We want you to be comfortable and confident when you purchase a Shariawiz estate plan. You get to review each document you complete before you purchase—no surprises!
Our do-it-yourself software allows you to complete your Shari’a-compliant estate plan in as little as 15 minutes.
Our scholar-approved inheritance calculator is free of charge.
The Shariawiz Last Will and Testament is $199, the Health Care Directive is $59, and the Power of Attorney if $39. You can save $47 by purchasing our bundle for $250, which includes all three forms.
Upon purchase, your documents will be available in your Dashboard. You are able to make changes to your documents for free for 12 months from date of purchase. You are still able to make changes after 12 months for a small Document Update fee.
God forbid you have an accident or medical emergency and you’re unable to make decisions about your health – or that you become generally incapacitated, fall into a coma, or that you must be kept alive by artificial life support.
A Health Care Directive (also called a Living Will or Health Care Proxy) is a legal document that allows you to appoint a person you trust to make health care decisions on your behalf if you cannot communicate your decisions on your own.
It is very important to make your intentions known to everyone BEFORE you suffer a critical illness, disability, or incapacity. The Health Care Directive contains your wishes and preferences about health care, including your moral and religious values when it comes to end-of-life issues.
Your health care representative has to act in good faith and in your best interest, including acting in compliance with your religious faith. Signing a Health Care Directive ensures your wishes are followed. It also protects your family, so that they do not have to make these difficult decisions for you.
Do you want your family to follow Islamic principles for these end-of-life issues? Then you MUST have a health care directive with your specific wishes and preferences about health care. It must include your moral and religious values for end-of-life issues. With this directive in place, physicians and your family are required to follow your wishes.
Use our HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE (HYPERLINK) software to prepare your own custom-tailored state-specific, legally binding, Shari’a-compliant Health Care Directive.
If you don’t have a Health Care Directive and, God forbid, you become incapacitated and cannot communicate your own decisions regarding your health care, then your family becomes responsible for those health care decisions.
What’s worse, if your family members cannot agree on health care decisions for you, they may be forced to litigate the matter in court, which would allow a judge to make the decision for you. With a Health Care Directive, you can save your family from fighting about your care and ending up in a hurtful court battle.
Further, if you do not have a Health Care Directive and an trusted health care representative, your doctors may not know to perform Shari’a-compliant health care solutions for you. To ensure your health care is in line with your moral and religious values, you must sign a Health Care Directive for your physicians to follow.
Use our HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE (HYPERLINK) software to prepare your own custom-tailored state-specific, legally binding, Shari’a-compliant Health Care Directive.
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone you trust to act on your behalf in financial and legal matters. The person you appoint can act on your behalf while you are alive or if you become incompetent.
There are many reasons for having a Power of Attorney. For example, a member of the military being deployed overseas, leaving behind their families, should have a power of attorney. He or she needs to appoint someone to act on their behalf to handle certain legal, financial and familial affairs while they are deployed. A child moving to college is another example, for the same reasons. A person that travels for work often should have a Power of Attorney appointing a trusted person to attend to his affairs in the event of long absences.
Further, If you are in retirement or have health issues, a Power of Attorney makes life so much easier for your loved ones to attend to your affairs – including paying bills, dealing with medical insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare offices, and everything in between.
Our Power of Attorney is affordable, and quick and easy to prepare. Use our POWER OF ATTORNEY (HYPERLINK) software to appoint a representative to handle your affairs in your absence or in case you become incapacitated.
Making a Sharia-Compliant will does not require a schedule of assets, but you should appoint an executor who is familiar with your financial portfolio.Your assets at the time of your death may not be the same assets at the time you made your will. The Islamic inheritance system is a default fixed share system. All of the eligible assets you owned at the time of your death will become part of your Estate. Your executor will gather them and distribute them to your Islamic heirs as contained in your will. The distribution may include selling all or part of your assets. The proceeds from the sale will be distributed to the benefit of all beneficiaries according to their Islamic inheritance share.
If you live in a community property state (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin), you are required to prepare a schedule of assets as part of your estate plan in order to clarity and identify the type of ownership title for each asset: (i) husband’s separate property; (ii) wife’s separate property; (iii) the parties’ joint property/community property.
Shariawiz is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you have a complex estate, you should retain a lawyer. If you require complex estate planning expertise or just want to retain an attorney to handle the drafting of your estate plan, email us at [email protected]. We will provide you with the contact information of several estate planning law firms for you to consult about your matter.