“Ramadan has come to you: a month of blessing in which Allah (SWT) covers you with blessings, sends down mercy, decreases sins, and answers prayers. In [this month], Allah looks at your competition in good deeds, and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah utmost goodness from your souls.”
– Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as narrated by Tabarani
For millions of Muslims around the world, the blessed month of Ramadan is a time of reflection, reverence, fasting, prayer, patience, and charity. For Islamic Relief, Ramadan is the month that defines us.
Honoring the traditions of this blessed month unfortunately turns into hardships for too many families in need. That is why your donations are so powerful. Not only do you fulfill the charitable obligations Allah (SWT) has set for us, but you also help relieve at least a little of the burden that a struggling family faces.
Food aid is the largest sector of IRUSA’s humanitarian aid, and our worldwide distribution during the month of Ramadan plays a huge role. Packed with food important to the local diet as well as essential nutrients and vitamins, our Ramadan food boxes help provide food to vulnerable families across the globe. This year, with your support, we’re working to provide food boxes to over 665,000 people!
For $125, you can help alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world with 30-days worth of essential food items.
What’s in a food box?
Provisions differ from country to country. Many include rice, wheat, lentils, oil, sugar, canned fish or meat, and dates. In some countries, in place of a physical package of food, families are given vouchers to purchase the items they need the most. Connect with us via 1-855-447-1001 or [email protected] to learn more.
Where will my donation be used?
The Ramadan Food Aid Fund supports countries, including Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania/Zanzibar, Togo, Turkey, Yemen, & the United States.
When you make a donation to this fund, your donation is automatically disbursed based on where there is the greatest need. Each $125 donation provides a food box that will support a family for the entire month of Ramadan.
Fundraise for Ramadan Food Boxes
Are you wondering how you can make an impact? This Ramadan, rally your friends and family by becoming a fundraiser.
Packed with food important to the local diet as well as essential nutrients and vitamins, our Ramadan food boxes help provide food to vulnerable families across the globe.
For just $125 per box, your efforts can help support over 665,000 people this year. Nourish the soul, serve the world—start your fundraising journey today!
Want to support a different cause? Check out our IRaise platform.
“Establish prayer and give zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves—you will find it with Allah. Surely Allah sees what you do.”
—The Holy Qur’an, 2:110
More than just an obligatory wealth tax, zakat (almsgiving), is a core pillar of our faith. When you give through IRUSA, it has the power to end poverty and change the lives of those we serve for generations to come through emergency food aid and shelter, healthcare, sustainable livelihood support, and much more!
Fidya and Kaffara are two solutions built into the religion of Islam that can help a Muslim compensate for not fasting or breaking other obligations – paying Fidya or Kaffara also benefits people in need. The following is meant to provide a basic understanding of Fidya and Kaffara, and were derived through the consultation of imams who follow the Fiqh Council of North America. We advise you to consult with your local imam or scholar for more detailed or localized inquiries.
“Fidya” is a donation type within the Islamic tradition paid by individuals who cannot fulfill the obligation of fasting due to illness or old age. Fidya payments are meant to feed a person in need for each of the fasting days missed.
The estimated cost, on guidance from notable scholars and shyookh, is $15 for each day missed or $450 for all of Ramadan. In addition, if the donor is from a low-income family, he or she should then care for the family’s needs first before considering giving a separate Fidya donation.
“Kaffara,” within the Islamic tradition, provides individuals who deliberately miss or break a day of fasting an opportunity to recompense for it. According to Islamic guidelines, if a person misses a day of fasting without a valid reason, he or she should either fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 under privileged people per day. The estimated cost is $15 per person for 60 people, which equals $900 a day for each missed or broken day.
Beyond Ramadan, Kaffara may also be given to recompense for broken oaths or promises. In these cases, 10 underprivileged people should be fed for each occurrence. The estimated cost is $15 per person for 10 people, which equals $150 per broken promise. If the donor is from a low-income family, and cannot afford the payment, it is recommended that he or she should fast for three days, and make sure to “protect your oath,” meaning he or she should stay true to his or her word going forward.
Nourish the soul, serve the world. Donate today!